About Us
Through a comprehensive program of networking, fundraisers, high profile community events, educational programs, and public relations campaigns, the Merrick Chamber of Commerce works aggressively to assist the business community of Merrick.
With your membership, you, like many other successful businesses, can use the Chamber to enhance your business development by building relationships, sharing resources and having a trustworthy referral base.
By joining the Chamber, you gain many benefits. The Merrick Chamber of Commerce continually promotes itself, and the business members, through a wide array of outlets.
Annual Chamber Events
- Networking Meetings
- General Luncheon Meetings
- Annual Installation Dinner
- Man & Woman of the Year
- Professional & Merchant of the Year
- Kid’s Festival
- Memorial Day Parade
- Fall Festival
- Halloween Parade
- Christmas Tree Lighting & Santa’s Visit
- Menorah Lighting
We are proud to welcome new businesses
- and new Chamber members! –
Let the Chamber organize your ribbon cutting...
- Chamber leadership can extend an invitation to our local government officials to attend your ribbon cutting ceremony. (However, we cannot guarantee that their schedule will allow them to attend.)
- Chamber can provide large scissors and ribbon for your ribbon cutting ceremony.
- Chamber will provide a press release, with a photo from the ribbon cutting event, to be published in the Merrick Herald
- The Chamber will announce the details regarding your upcoming ceremony through our social media channels.
- Chamber President, Board members, and members will make every effort to be in attendance.
- All ribbon cutting ceremonies take place during business hours on Fridays.